“Understanding the Corona Virus Hoax”

“Understanding the Corona Virus Hoax”
by T. Matthew Phillips, Esq.

The Corona virus is man-made.  It’s a laboratory invention.  And it’s patented.  Disturbing but true.

Close your eyes.  Imagine a world where disease-carrying pathogens are considered “inventions.”  Now open your eyes.  You live in that world!

There are at least 36 patented strains of Corona virus.  The U.S. Patent Office indicates the most recent Corona virus invention is Patent No. US10130701B2  (Nov. 20, 2018).    Click on the below link — and see for yourself —

Corona Patent –> https://patents.google.com/patent/US10130701/en

Waves of Corona outbreaks are coming soon!  But there’s good news — the Corona vaccine will soon be available at CVS, Rite-Aid and Walgreens!  Just in the nick of time!

So, what’s a Corona virus?  It’s a virus that reportedly causes runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes a fever.  According to WebMD: “In most cases, you won’t know whether you have a coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus.”  In other words, it’s just the common cold.

But common cold outbreaks are not scary enough to prompt lawmakers to enact new vaccine mandates.  So they crank-up the fear factor with horror movie headlines and apocalyptic images of sinister undertakers dressed in creepy-looking HAZ-MAT outfits!


And when the Corona virus strikes, gov’t authorities will refuse to examine it under a microscope.  If they ever do, they’ll immediately recognize the patented LAB strain of the virus — in every confirmed case — and it will then be revealed that the LAB strain caused the outbreak!

Yes, folks are being infected with the LAB strain of the virus.  But if this fact ever leaks-out, the Corona Caper will unravel.  So the authorities LIE to us.  They claim the outbreaks are caused by elusive, WILD strains of the virus.  But remember, Corona virus is an “invention.”  There is no WILD strain of the virus!

The mainstream media have already begun their Corona disinformation campaign.  Gov’t lapdogs at USA Today report on what they call “bogus theories” that the Corona virus is patented.  Um, okay, — but it *is* patented.  Not a “theory!”  It’s a “factoid” capable of verification at the U.S. Patent Office.

According to USA Today, the Corona patent is just a social media myth.  But USA Today is a fake news peddler!  They get paid to run “ads” alongside their news stories.  And the more ad revenue they receive, the more fake their stories become.

Fake News from USA Today –> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/01/25/wuhan-coronavirus-bogus-conspiracy-theory-spreads-social-media/4569180002/

Despite the disinformation, the Corona virus is indeed patented — which makes it readily identifiable and distinct from WILD strains.  The gov’t clearly has the means to discern whether victims are catching the LAB strain or a WILD strain, but the gov’t just doesn’t care to investigate.  They already know which strain sparked the outbreak!  After all, it was the gov’t that awarded the patent in the first place!  (Wink-wink!)

attack of ebola

When Corona outbreaks visit your town (and they will) tell your local health inspectors that Corona “test kits” yield only positive or negative test results, i.e., they never reveal the actual viral strain.

When they announce Corona outbreaks, insist that officials examine blood samples under a microscope — to determine whether the outbreak involves the LAB strain or a WILD strain.

Hey!  There’s a Quest Diagnostics lab on every street corner in America!  There’s no reason to avoid scrutinizing the Corona virus under a microscope!  But mainstream science has no wish to study, research, or gain understanding about the origins of infectious outbreaks or how they spread.  Mainstream science is too busy creating fear and panic — in order to sell vaccines.

Once you see the fraud in how they “confirm” the identity of the virus that supposedly caused the outbreak, you suddenly see the fraud in the outbreak itself.  All outbreak hoaxes unravel once you realize that “confirmed” cases of the dreaded disease are never actually “confirmed” under a microscope.

Consider this — many scientists are employed as “virus hunters.”  Their only job is to search for new viruses.  If they find one — they quickly bring it into captivity — to patent it!  Capitalism has a way of turning nature into commodities.  And yet, whenever there’s an infectious outbreak, presumably caused by new, WILD viruses, nobody ever goes hunting for these new, WILD viruses!  (Get it?)

Predictably, the unvaccinated will be blamed for the Corona outbreaks.  Kristen Bell will blame the heathen parents of unclean, ungodly and unvaccinated children who aren’t caught-up on their Corona boosters, right?!  But wait a sec’ — how can Sarah Marshall blame the unvaccinated for Corona outbreaks — when all Americans are unvaccinated for Coronal Disease?  (“Shh!” Don’t ask!)


If they ever examined, under a microscope, blood samples from Corona victims, they’d plainly see that all were infected with the LAB strain of the virus!  And they cleverly conceal this fact with test kits that test only for exposure to the virus — and which never identify the culprit viral strain!  (Are you paying attention?)

Guess what?  Ebola virus is patented.  AIDS virus is patented.  Measles virus is patented.  And so is Chickenpox virus, Zika virus, SARS virus, MRSA virus, Avian flu virus, etc.  Any virus you can name — it’s patented.  All viruses now in captivity are patented.

And all Corona outbreaks are staged media events!  For goodness’ sake — no Corona outbreaks exist in the historical record!

Remember when your mom told you how to care for diseases like Mumps, Measles and Coronas?  Remember that time you stayed home from school for a week with a bad case of the Coronas?  NO!  Because the Corona virus never existed until Bill Gates paid some slob to invent it — so they can have more outbreaks — so they can sell more vaccines — so they can kill-off more useless eaters — so they can roll-out their new world order!

“If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services, we could lower world population by 10 or 15 percent.” – Bill Gates

You guessed it!  Bill Gates owns the patented Corona virus!  And, not surprisingly, Bill Gates also own the rights to the anti-Corona virus vaccine!

bill gates evil final

The recent Corona outbreaks, which follow closely on the heels of the most recent patent approval, is another c-o-n-s-p-i-r-a-c-y.  (There! I said it!)  But this should be evident from the intensive media coverage, which is calculated to scare you half to death!  Be afraid!  Be very afraid!  Fear sells vaccines!

Corona outbreaks will scare lawmakers into enacting Corona vaccine mandates!  Next thing ya know, they will patent a Heineken virus!  So expect Heineken outbreaks — and then Heineken vaccines!  This is how they do the masses.  This is how the vaccine holocaust begins!  This is what genocide looks like!

This is how they plan to exterminate seven billion useless eaters.  There’s no need for gas chambers when vaccines will do the job nice and neat — and nobody will even know it’s a holocaust.

The downward spiral comes quickly — the time to resist is now.  Just remember, it’s easier to genocide a population — than to convince them they’re being genocided.  You heard me.  ~~TMP.


– T H E   E N D –

Written, Produced, and Directed by TMP’s Midnight Minions
in association with Chapter Eleven Productions,
Fly-By-Night Management Services, and
Neurotica Entertainment Group

Copyright 2020 – by T. Matthew Phillips, Esq.

“Freedom means nothing if you can’t
keep the government out of your body.”
~~T. Matthew Phillips, Esq.

63 thoughts on ““Understanding the Corona Virus Hoax”

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  1. Great article! My Dad’s an Esquire too. But he got the degree and always implied that it was a requirement. What’s your secret?
    Here’s my band Karma Patrol’s video touching on some of the topics you cover. Hope you enjoy!


    1. Hey, imagine seeing YOU here on tmp’s site! Fab work on the video and great “dialing in” on the rough cut you showed us when we were still neighbors! Still, under the thumb “down there” or here in the alps does NOT suck, beats the matrix dominatrix and we’re doing great. Keep the vibe bright–that’s our gig, man. Love you both! ~CF


    2. What a shitload of manure… Dear Jenner above, help us ignorants, that we may taste your wisdom and not the false prophets on this forum…


  2. Sounds like Dan Brown’s “Inferno” the billionaire villain Bertrand Zobrist” is the Bill Gates character. Create a virus to cull the worlds population. I’m sure Bill and his elitist cronies will be immune! Who else can rule those who get to survive!!!


  3. Dear matthew,

    what an interesting scary Article. I’m a subscriber o your site

    I know that it was rather timely that china launched da Pneumonia Vaccine right in Dec 2019.

    I tweet about Vaccines etc on Twitter

    I know that this may sound a daft question but is the link to the INVENTED Corona virus in your article, in tier view, the Same Virus that we now have an outbreak?

    Also, have you seen this


    Many thanks





  4. Are you aware Pirbright has a patent in the UK for Coronavirus from 2015? They been preparing for this scare for ages… Probably the vaccines are sitting in warehouses ready to go and get their $$$$$..


  5. Haha, you’re amazing! Sad I’ve lived without you for so long, as I just stumbled across your blog today. Thank you! Question: I read somewhere that 800 people died from the Corona virus in 2002 and 2003. Would that have been the manufactured virus? Was there ever a wild Corona virus that circulated in people? (Before it was seemingly deliberately introduced into the human population)


  6. You nailed it! I like how you ended with the georgia guidestones, which is exactly how I leave a conversation on said topic..’don’t believe me? check out the Georgia guide stones – tell me they don’t exist!’.

    Hope your site is getting millions of hits per day.


    1. This. Thank you for bringing it up, as this is the main point that both the official narrative and the controlled opposition narrative(s) will never ever dare touch: there has never been any proper so-called ‘pathogenic virus’ isolation in the history of science, nor is there any electron microscopic photography showing any such alleged virus isolated. Here is a link:

      This is the point that needs being put forward — here and everywhere.
      The very fact that all controlled opposition skips this argument is quite telling.

      As a complement, I shall add that Louis Pasteur was a fraudster (we know this through his personal notes), that germ theory is false (for example, the experiment using meat in order to prove the alleged asepsis of living organisms shows the contrary), and that Antoine Béchamp (a French 19th-century biologist) and his work on the microzymas were right.
      For the curious: look it up, people.


  7. This article is full of nonsense.

    1. There are many coronaviruses, some wild and some manmade. It really isn’t that surprising there is a patented strain of manmade virus which appears from that site you linked to be designed specifically as a vaccine against bird flu in farmed poultry.

    2. They won’t be identifying the new coronavirus under a microscope in all cases because that would be too slow and expensive and not practical at all.

    3. MRSA is not a virus, it is a bacteria.

    4. This is NOT the first time humans have been infected with coronaviruses, in fact all of us here have probably had one at one point. The common cold is caused by a variety of different viruses, most often it is a type of rhinovirus but sometimes can be a coronavirus or adenovirus.

    I won’t be getting a vaccination for this virus as I do believe it has been overhyped for sinister reasons and possibly even let loose on purpose. I have no evidence of this, of course.

    All the misinformation in this article does no one any favours and your readers deserve better.


    1. YOU WRITE: “They won’t be identifying the new coronavirus under a microscope in all cases because that would be too slow and expensive and not practical at all.”

      Srsly? How much does it cost? They’ve already spent millions of dollars “advertising” the virus ….. and Congress just authorized $8.5 billion ……. but it’s too expensive to look under a micrsocsope?

      Which vaccine maker employs you?

      Liked by 1 person

  8. My 4 year old grandson was very ill inn Nov 2019 with Adenovirus. He was taken by ambulance and hospitalized for 2 weeks. His mom, my daughter did get a severe eye infection typical for Adeno. Does anyone know if the adenovirus lab test results could have given a false reading for what was really Coronavirus?


  9. Francis Bacon “Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed”

    Darwin, Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, Hebert Spencer, Sir Thomas Huxley and industrial revolution against Lamarckian sight.
    Pasteur vs Bechamp and pharmaceutical interests.
    Carnegie Group, Rockefeller and medical reform early XX century
    II World War German IG Farben Group are BASF, Bayer, Hoechs.

    And the most important!

    Dr. Ryke G. Hammer and the 5 Biological Laws.

    The Fourth Biological Law of German New Medicine addresses the role of microbes in the context of evolution and in relation to the three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm) from which our organs originate.

    Thus, Coronavirus are endogen viruses, naturaly present in our body, only activated (allowed) by the brain to help us through, to restore normal activity.

    Take a look on the Dr. Hamer research, fear of death biological conflict has a direct and messurable efect in our lungs health…


    Conspiracy against human being is obvious, but learn to think by your self, do not accomodate so fast

    Un saludo amigos!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Didnt see anything about this being election year…impeachment and russian hoax didnt work …so evil mediacrats were left with no other option to try to get rid of Trump!


  11. Hey there! Thanks for this post. I have been doing some digging on this patent. Can you clarify why this is actually a patent for coronavirus in chickens? Can you provide proof of how they are connected? I was speaking on this patent and a friend shared that it was actually not legitimate. Before I respond to her, I want to ensure I have my facts straight and that I am indeed on the right track. My assumption is that it’s because we share 60% of the genetics of chickens. Thanks so much!


  12. that referenced patent is *not* the current one and is in a different category (gamma, bird source) than the current one (beta, rodent source).


  13. Nice article! Previous vaccinations since birth ruined our immune system. And there’s chemtrails/pollution, emf radiation (4G and 5G), stress, toxic food, water or poor nutrition etc. These are the real culprits of our sickness, not from a fake Viruses!


  14. Nice article! Previous vaccinations since birth ruined our immune system. And there’s chemtrails/pollution, emf radiation (4G and 5G), stress, toxic food, water or poor nutrition etc. These are the real culprits of our sickness, not from a fake Viruses!


  15. It’s irrelevant, what you fear! You fear corona, the pandemy, the government, the ones behind, who obviously controll most of the governments around the world, the vaccine?
    They’ve got you. It’s only about controll via fear …


  16. wow, so much stupidity in one place.
    Without having a degree in medicine or virology you figured out these things. And you have no idea that you are misinterpreting everything and you feel like a genius that you figured it out and no one else on this earth. Just wow
    You have no idea how science works, do you?
    You probably don’t know that there are millions of scientists working on these things that trying to prove or disprove each other’s theories and hypotheses?
    Let’s say that with the US and some European countries they suppressed the things you are saying. You know that there are millions of other scientists in China, Russia, Cuba, Iran, etc. who understand these things and absolutely hate the US, and if there is any proof of the shit you are talking there will be a huge war between them right? Or at least they won’t do it to their own people or to themselves.
    But all of them proving each other about this, each of them producing their own vaccines (either government-funded or independent companies) and they agree on the parts that they don’t know. (such where exactly this virus came from)

    Do you know that there is no copyright law in Iran and they do not give a shit about the US patent?

    You do understand that they have scientists that know million times more than you and can prove or disprove these things and do not need these stupid links, right?

    Do you understand that if they tried to hide, they do not need and would not patent it, do you?
    Do you understand that if that is proof, other countries can find it too right?
    You know that there are lots of types of CORONA virus and we know just a few of them?

    You know that the medical lab’s responsibility is not only to find a cure but also to retrace the evolution of viruses both to the past and the future and that is why they try to create some viruses so they can understand the future potential vaccines (a concept that you cannot understand)

    Do you know that if a virus is man-made and not natural other labs in other countries are able to say it is man-made? You have no idea, do you?

    Do you know why they invest in the labs in Wuhan? And why there?
    Do you know anything about previous pandemic histories? Do you know about some of them before Bill Gates or even the US? Do you know how similar they are and how Bill Gates and virologists are able to predict?
    It’s not magic, it’s Science.

    By the way, 90% of the countries are worried about low population and not too much population. The population is going down and it will hurt the economy very badly. That is why they are trying to convince people to make babies even more (including China). Plus the governments and rich people can have cheaper workers.
    Do you have any idea how population works and how government works or even how the economy works?
    But you feel like you know everything. 🙂


      1. First of all, I am not American and I don’t live in the USA to watch CNN or have pizza hut. Get out of your stupid American head. Coronavirus is everywhere around the world.
        I live in Turkey and am originally from Iran. In every country around the world we face the corona virus. Each of these countries: Iran, Turkey, Cuba, Russia, China, India, and other countries work on vaccines themselves and they all hate America and its government. So it is not about you. Get out of this hoax information and face the reality. There is no government controlling everything. We are all alone and we are going to die even if you continue like this or not.


      2. You sound so funny that I don’t think you are sincere. 🙂
        You reject the science of millions of scientists and calling me a science denier 😀
        Plus you haven’t and couldn’t answer to a single thing I said and just call me names


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